Friday, January 30, 2009

LaMB Actors^_^

If a live action movie of LaMB was to be produced, who would you like to see play the starring roles of Eve and Jack and why?

This is Brad Pitt for Jack^_^

This is MIlla Jovovich for Eve^_^

For me, Brad Pitt and Mila Jovovich are great for the film LaMB if it would be played by real life people. Brad Pitt’s talent for acting would fit in to Jack’s character. And Mila Jovovich’s background of acting for various teen action movies such as Ultra Violet would make her truly fit for becoming Eve. Brad Pitt also has similar qualities with Jack. It would be cool to see Brad Pit as a scientist in a romance-action drama. A lot of viewers would surely fall in love with him as well! Mila Jovovich’s figure is like Eve’s. Both Eve and Mila Jovovich also have similar facial qualities. Brad Pitt and Mila Jovovich also are compatible for a love team for the movie. They both act really well. Through their acting they will be able to make a lot of viewers relate more to the story. If the actors that would be chosen in case of a LaMB movie would be Brad Pitt and Mila Jovovich, then it would be a great hit. Since These 2 actors are already popular in the Movie industry, then LaMB would surely be known as well. I believe that the most important qualification of a great movie regardless of the actors starring it is the movies story line. I am sure that LaMB has a great story line and it would touch a lot of people worldwide with its jam packed action, romance, thrill and drama! Hopefully, Brad Pitt and Mila Jovovich could star the main roles so that LaMB would. Go LaMB! A wonderful movie full of action thrill romance spice and flavor!

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