Monday, December 29, 2008

The Shepherd of LaMBs

• If you were given access to a LaMB, what tasks would you have it perform for you? You will need to refer the LaMB Rules on

"All sheep and lambs have gone astray and turned to their own way. As shepherds we must help lead them the right way through setting a good example of love."

It would really be wonderful to have access to a LaMB. Some people might have the LaMB be their personal slave. A slave that would work for them non-stop. Maybe the LaMB would work for them, cook for them, clean their cars dishes and the like. These all are very tempting thoughts of a LaMB to do especially if I'd own one. But I think I'd rather make my LaMB as my true friend, and my equal. LaMBs are humans too!

The Bible shares to us a story about sheep and lambs. Every time the shepherd looses a lamb, he would do everything to find the lamb and take good care of it, nurture it and love it. The shepherd would lead the lamb to the right path.

Jesus is the greatest example of a good shepherd. We too must follow his example in the way we treat LaMBs.

I believe that this story is applicable to the question. Because all LaMBs deserve a second chance. They deserve to be loved, nurtured and cared for by their shepherds.

If given access to a LaMB, I as a shepherd, would show love, care and respect to my LaMB. I would give my LaMB a second chance. I would prefer to have an "Adam" as a LaMB since I relate better to males. Once I have gained my LaMB's trust, I would "delaminate" him. I have read that this is possible and it takes 28 days to finish the delamination process. I would ask my LaMB to teach me things he knows. Hopefully he'd know how to use technology and cars well. If he does, then I'd ask him to teach me the use of different technologies work and how cars are fixed. I'd take my LaMB to places I would go to. and since LaMBs cannot talk or show their expressions, I'd have him communicate to me by writing down his thoughts and emotions on a sheet of paper. The planet Cerra must not abuse LaMBs. So if given a chance to own a LaMB, i would help fight for my LaMBs rights as well. I am strongly convinced that if LaMBs are treated with love and respect, they'd would learn to love and respect their shepherds.

LaMBs are not genies. We can't ask them to grant all our wishes. And unlike genies, LaMBs are humans too. They have emotions that they cannot express. It would be like a living hell to be inside a laminated suit for years and years. that is why as Shepherds, we must treat them with equality and respect.

Let us remember that the meaning of shepherd is to lead and to guide. So if given access to a LaMB, I as the shepherd would guide my LaMB and set an example of love just like Jesus so that respect, friendship and right relationships will prevail.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'll State My Mind Creatively!

• LaMBs cannot speak nor do they have free will. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you couldn’t speak up or express yourself?

As a young teen-age student, there are a lot of situations where people especially adults do not listen to me when I try to express myself. I feel that some adults do not realize the importance of hearing what we the youth have to say. I feel so small, discriminated and insignificant. Sometimes adults are so busy working or doing other things that they fail to have time to listen. At times, I don't want to share my thoughts because I feel that they aren't that important. Some People Hear But Do Not Listen. Because of these upsetting experiences, I most of the time keep my thoughts and sentiments inside of me.

I believe that it would really feel terrible to become a LaMB with out any free will and a LaMB who couldn't speak. If I where a LaMB in that kind of situation, I'd feel totally frustrated. I would do all I can the right way to be able to speak up for myself. Besides, there are human rights that protect each human being, even LaMBS. One human right would be the Right to Freedom of Thought (human right article number 18)and Right to Freedom of Expression(Article number 19). Human Rights can be found in:

This is the right to freedom of speech that is recognized as a human right under Article 18 and particularly Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it is recognized as well in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression".

There are also times, that it is hard for me to express myself in words. I sometimes get "choked up "about what I want to say. My thoughts are there, but it's hard to get them out the right way. I'd rather write all of the things I want to say in a notebook or just write what I feel by writing poems.

Here's a poem that I made that I'd like to share with you regarding times when I feel that I cannot speak up or express myself.

I'll State My Mind Creatively

I sit and stare
As time goes by
I want to share
These thoughts of mine

The adults talk
Of things so deep
I cannot cope
My thoughts I'll keep

A times I have
This urge to speak
To state my mind
In words so meek

But then the world
Won't stop and hear
These words of mine,
These words so dear

Am I too young
To share my speech?
To stand for truth
To state or teach?

I am depressed
I feel upset
But I'll do my best
I won't regret!

I'm sure one day
They'd hear me out
Of things I'd say
With out a doubt!

Then I'll express
These thoughts inside
I'll show the rest
These thoughts I hide

But now I write
For all to see
I'll state my mind

Luckily, there have been competitions this year in our city that want us the youth to speak out and express ourselves. It's called the Voice of the Youth Impromptu competition. Through this competition I am able to share my ideas, thoughts and opinions regarding different topics. Although some might say that we the youth do not have great ideas, i definitely say otherwise! Elders must give us a chance to prove ourselves and our worth for we have ideas to share.

I am also thankful that Animax has given the Asian youth to express them selves through this blogging contest.

I do hope that each person even LaMBs regardless of age and race will be given the chance to express what they feel.

Let us State our Minds Creatively!

Link for Universal Rights:

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Stewards of the Environment

• Lamination is considered a form of recycling by the Central Administration Bureau of Cerra (CABC). If you worked for the CABC, what other policies would you implement to help preserve the environment?

At the present moment, we all know that the Earth's environment is not in good shape. Global Warming, flash floods, major heat waves, and the abrupt change in temperature have killed thousands. We continuously complain about these calamities that are happening but aren't we humans the ones to blame? In this state of our environment on Earth, there are things we must remember-- Reuse, Reduce, Recycle and Recover. If given the chance to help preserve the environment of Cerra by working for CABC, I would definitely make policies that would prevent Cerra from making the same mistakes that we the humans have done on Earth.

If I worked for the CABC i would start with implementing basic policies that everyone must follow. First laminated suits can be removed and they will only be used for the benefit of others and the environment, and not for imprisonment. Both Shepherds and LaMBs would be treated equally because all people must have equal human rights. I believe that if equality is shown in Cerra, then there are more chances of of the citizens to become productive and contribute their best efforts to protect the environment. I would ask people to put on their laminated suits to help make work easier to do, and then start planting trees to clean the air and to prevent flash floods. I would make strict policies which state that cars jets or vehicles should not emit toxic wastes such as smoke to the air. To clean bodies of water, I would fist start planting different aquatic plants that benefit marine life. Instead of using oil for ships and cars, I would promote an eco-friendly type of car that only uses air to run. I would instill discipline among all the citizens of Cerra. I would implement the 4 R's which are reuse, reduce recycle and recover. I would implement proper waste disposal and proper waste segregation. Mining just for finding precious stones for the production of jewelry will be stopped because mining damages the soil, land and the rivers. Anyone caught dynamite fishing, or illegally logging trees will be punished. Fertilizers must be natural instead of artificial because these pesticides, and sprays eventually ruin the soil.

If i worked for CABC I would remind everyone that we are stewards of the environment and that it is every one's duty to save the environment. For after all, we have to take care of Cerra and even the Earth because they are our homes.

This is my acronym for Stewards. They are the main policies that I would implement:

S- Stop illegal logging, dynamite fishing and throwing garbage everywhere.

T- Take time to plant trees, and plants and teach others ways to save the environment

E- Each person should properly segregate waste and set a good example especially for the future generation to follow

W- Wisely use water! Only use water for basic needs. Keep the oceans and all bodies of water clean by throwing garbage properly and by planting plants that will benefit marine life

A-Always use the laminated suits only for the welfare of others and the environment.

R-Remember the 4-R's which are reuse, reduce, recycle and recover. Don't just remember them but also apply them!

D-Don't be selfish! Instead work together to achieve a wonderful environment.

S-Stewards of Cerra's environment must remember to be service-oriented. Show appreciation for the environment and nurture it.

Remembering and applying this acronym of policies will definitely help preserve and restore the beauty of the environment in our World and in Cerra. We all must act now!

Saving our environment should start from all citizens of Cerra. All must unite and work together because when everyone does this, there is no limit to what people can accomplish.Instead of using laminated suits for imprisonment, the removable laminated suits will definitely help make tasks of helping the environment easier. Discipline and perseverance must definitely be the attitude of each person in Cerra. Let us always remember to be Stewards of our Environment whether we live in Cerra or in the planet earth

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

True Beauty is Found In a Pure Soul

• In LaMB, the process of lamination was first invented to preserve beauty until it evolved into a form of imprisonment. Would you commit a crime to stay young and beautiful?

"The most important Beauty, is the Beauty that
Is not seen physically, but the Radiant Beauty that comes
from within a pure heart and soul. This Radiance shows our
inner beauty---the best beauty there is."

Most of us want to be physically beautiful. Because of our desire for beauty, sometimes people become very vain. There are different products, books and advertisements that come out in the market everyday that try to make people look younger. Some of these products are called "Age Defying" "Forever Young" "Fountain of youth" "Anti Wrinkle" and a whole lot more. But let's face it in our world today, we all grow old. Aging is really part of the cycle of life.

Would i commit a crime to stay forever young and beautiful? NO! Definitely not! As we all know all our actions have consequences. If we commit a crime, there will be a corresponding punishment for that. In the case of CERRA, the punishment for committing a crime is a Laminated Suit, which is a prison. I sometimes wonder what would anyone benefit from becoming forever young and beautiful? If a person, for instance, would be forever young and beautiful while the others around the person age and die, then what would become of that person?

Committing a crime just to benefit your desire of becoming forever young and beautiful is totally wrong. A person who commits a crime just to be forever young and beautiful is definitely being so selfish and self-centered. He/she doesn't know the true meaning of life--that it must believed in peace, human integrity and full of wisdom.

I believe that inner beauty, the beauty of the soul is far more important than physical beauty. Inner beauty is having a good soul deep inside you, a kind spirit, a joyful feeling and a peaceful mind. Inner beauty lasts even after death. Those lives you have touched will remember your inner beauty long after you're gone. Inner beauty emanates from the deepest recesses of your heart reaching out to others to share the joy it feels. It is the self that is so completely attuned with others that it's just so impossible not to share. Inner beauty is the strength, the courage to win over many obstacles, to get-up each time you fall, and to help others who are lost or are feeling depressed.

So isn't inner beauty way much better than physical beauty? Let us not think of committing a crime just to become forever young and beautiful because this is so pathetic and empty. Let us instead practice the value of sharing our inner beauty to others, so we can truly touch other people's lives in our own special way. Let us look at the true meaning of inner beauty in a child's point of view-- for innocence causes the purest of intentions.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Life In Outerspace?

• The story of LaMB takes place on the planet Cerra. Do you believe that life forms exist on other planets?

Life is beautiful. It is unique. Nothing can ever replace the life lived by a human being.

In the story of LaMB, there are life forms that exist in Cerra. As I've read, LaMBs are human life forms as well. These people seemed to have moved to another place because our world cannot sustain human life.

In my opinion, no life forms exist in outer space. Life only exists on planet Earth. Cerra, with its supposedly inhabitants are only fictional by nature. Is there another planet with human life forms ? Very unlikely!The planets that surround our solar system cannot sustain life. There is no air in any of them that can sustain life. Some temperatures on other planets from a negative icy cold level (such as the planet Neptune its average temperature is 111.15 K or -162 degrees C
) to a very hot lava-like level(such as the Planet Venus its average temperature is 449 degrees C or 859 degrees F).

The temperature of outerspace is almost absolute zero. Absolute zero is the temperature in which there is no energy present. There is no place in the universe where energy is completely absent but there are many places where energy is very low. In these places, the temperature is nearly absolute zero.

Absolute zero is 0 degrees Kelvin, -273 degrees Celsius, and -459.67 degrees Fahrenheit. So with these extreme hot and cold temperatures, how can any living being especially human life forms actually live in outer space? Some people because of extreme cold during the winter time or extreme heat during the summer even die. But temperatures in outer space are way more extreme than winter and summer in our world.

Although some people believe that there are life forms in Mars but up to the present time, there has been no scientific evidence to prove this.

Life, I firmly believe, is found on earth alone.

Although this is my belief, there are still thousands of possibilities that science may discover in the near future. In the mean time, let us value the beauty of this world, our home and the cradle of life.