Saturday, December 27, 2008

I'll State My Mind Creatively!

• LaMBs cannot speak nor do they have free will. Have you ever been in a situation where you felt you couldn’t speak up or express yourself?

As a young teen-age student, there are a lot of situations where people especially adults do not listen to me when I try to express myself. I feel that some adults do not realize the importance of hearing what we the youth have to say. I feel so small, discriminated and insignificant. Sometimes adults are so busy working or doing other things that they fail to have time to listen. At times, I don't want to share my thoughts because I feel that they aren't that important. Some People Hear But Do Not Listen. Because of these upsetting experiences, I most of the time keep my thoughts and sentiments inside of me.

I believe that it would really feel terrible to become a LaMB with out any free will and a LaMB who couldn't speak. If I where a LaMB in that kind of situation, I'd feel totally frustrated. I would do all I can the right way to be able to speak up for myself. Besides, there are human rights that protect each human being, even LaMBS. One human right would be the Right to Freedom of Thought (human right article number 18)and Right to Freedom of Expression(Article number 19). Human Rights can be found in:

This is the right to freedom of speech that is recognized as a human right under Article 18 and particularly Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it is recognized as well in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). The ICCPR recognizes the right to freedom of speech as "the right to hold opinions without interference. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression".

There are also times, that it is hard for me to express myself in words. I sometimes get "choked up "about what I want to say. My thoughts are there, but it's hard to get them out the right way. I'd rather write all of the things I want to say in a notebook or just write what I feel by writing poems.

Here's a poem that I made that I'd like to share with you regarding times when I feel that I cannot speak up or express myself.

I'll State My Mind Creatively

I sit and stare
As time goes by
I want to share
These thoughts of mine

The adults talk
Of things so deep
I cannot cope
My thoughts I'll keep

A times I have
This urge to speak
To state my mind
In words so meek

But then the world
Won't stop and hear
These words of mine,
These words so dear

Am I too young
To share my speech?
To stand for truth
To state or teach?

I am depressed
I feel upset
But I'll do my best
I won't regret!

I'm sure one day
They'd hear me out
Of things I'd say
With out a doubt!

Then I'll express
These thoughts inside
I'll show the rest
These thoughts I hide

But now I write
For all to see
I'll state my mind

Luckily, there have been competitions this year in our city that want us the youth to speak out and express ourselves. It's called the Voice of the Youth Impromptu competition. Through this competition I am able to share my ideas, thoughts and opinions regarding different topics. Although some might say that we the youth do not have great ideas, i definitely say otherwise! Elders must give us a chance to prove ourselves and our worth for we have ideas to share.

I am also thankful that Animax has given the Asian youth to express them selves through this blogging contest.

I do hope that each person even LaMBs regardless of age and race will be given the chance to express what they feel.

Let us State our Minds Creatively!

Link for Universal Rights:

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